We Partnered With Tampnet to Provide Offshore Data Plans

Offshore workers, anglers and boaters can enjoy offshore LTE coverage with the tap of a button using the GigSky app
GigSky, the leading mobile app for global connectivity on eSIM-enabled iOS and Android devices, today announced a unique addition to its 190 country coverage: offshore LTE data plans for the western half of the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. Working with Tampnet, the world’s largest offshore high-capacity communications network, GigSky now boasts over 80,000 square miles (210,000 square kilometers) of offshore coverage in its app.
Despite the significant amount of travel to these regions per year, connectivity options are rather limited – typically consisting of expensive telco or satellite coverage, or simply leaving offshore workers, fishermen and recreational boaters with no coverage at all. GigSky and Tampnet’s unique offering fills that void with its distinctive and easy-to-use solution: a user simply downloads the GigSky app, selects and installs a data plan, and connects to LTE on the spot. These commitment-free, short-term data plans are the perfect solution for hassle-free offshore connectivity – for just the right amount of time.
“We are very excited to finally solve the problem of limited connectivity that many in these regions have felt over the years,” says Ravi Rishy-Maharaj, Founder & CEO of GigSky. “In partnering with the Tampnet, the market leader in offshore communications, we’re confident that we can deliver a flawless app and service experience in a familiar and easy-to-use format.”
“Tampnet is thrilled to partner with GigSky, making it easy and fast to connect to our high speed low latency offshore network,” says Per Helge Svensson, CEO of Tampnet.

Coverage maps for the Gulf of Mexico & North Sea data plans. Service available in all 4G locations.
About GigSky Founded in 2010, GigSky is a leading provider of global data connectivity and eSIM solutions for consumers, businesses and manufacturers. Through the company’s 500+ carrier network, GigSky provides affordable and reliable coverage in over 190 countries and territories. GigSky’s innovative products include the GigSky App & eSIM service for iPhone 11 series, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR, GigSky for iPad, GigSky for Windows 10 Connected PC, IoT solutions, and enterprise mobile data management solutions. Connect with GigSky on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
About Tampnet Headquartered in Stavanger, Norway, Tampnet owns and operates the world’s largest offshore high capacity communication network in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, serving customers within Oil & Gas, Wind Energy, Maritime and Carrier sectors with first class connectivity and 4G LTE coverage. With offices in the UK, the Netherlands, USA and Brazil, Tampnet connects offshore installations to redundant and reliable terrestrial networks with high capacity and low latency (high speed).